Tiny Houses for Homeless People — an idea whose time has come.

What better way to provide affordable housing for people who have no homes.

My name is Kathleen Richwell and I am the optimist behind Caring Companies of America. I want to sell advertising to local businesses and then take that money and build small affordable homes for people in that same community who have no place to live.

That is the short version. For more details read the rest of this post and check out the website.

If we can partner with local businesses all over the U.S. we could provide affordable housing for any and all who need it. A lofty goal I know, but why NOT think big. The end-all goal would be to end homelessness —- wouldn’t that be great? — Is it doable? I am not sure, but isn’t it worth a try? And if it IS doable, wouldn’t you like to be a part of that? — I know I would. 😀

It’s a big task and we hope everyone will help (and I mean EVERY. . SINGLE. . BUSINESS. . . 😀

Our pilot programs will be in Pinellas County Florida, which encompasses cities like Clearwater and St. Petersburg, AND also Seminole and Orange County Florida which is the Metro Orlando area.

Just to get the proverbial ball rolling in any county it will take a minimum of 100 local businesses to join, and commit to contributing quarterly for a year. We ask each business for a minimum ongoing contribution of $300 every 3 months. In return we provide your business with online advertising, digital coupons, and ‘done-for-you’ text marketing, plus the pride of having made a MAJOR positive impact in your community. So we hope you will join TODAY and be a part of helping to build small affordable homes for the less fortunate in YOUR community. Click the ‘contribute’ link on the left and contribute safely through paypal.

In the long run we hope to get ongoing contributions from 1000 local businesses and with that we can work ACTUAL miracles. 😀

We also request and invite donations of products and services as your contribution. Please see our “What we need” page for product and services resources that we can always use and contact us at Info@CaringCompaniesOfAmerica.com if you can contribute in that way.

If you have any questions you can email us at Info@CaringCompaniesOfAmerica.com and put “question” in the subject line.

If you want to volunteer please email us a Info@CaringCompaniesOfAmerica.com and put “volunteer“ in the subject line.

If you are looking for assistance please email us a Info@CaringCompaniesOfAmerica.com and put “assistance“ or “help” in the subject line.

— PLEASE NOTE: Regarding assistance. — No housing is expected to be built or completed any sooner than the end of 2016, but you are welcome to email us with your information now and share your story and your needs with us.

We invite your (kind) comments and input on our blog posts. — Thanks Kathleen

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About Kathleen at Caring Companies Of America

Floridian, Dog person. Eternal optimist. I love swimming and my dogs more than anything else. -- Yup! That about covers it. :o)
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6 Responses to Tiny Houses for Homeless People — an idea whose time has come.

  1. realmiks says:

    I work with Homeless and at risk youth in Brandon Manitoba Canada.
    We have 26 apartments that are part of our Youth for Christ program and our newest building is pocket housing. 240 sq ft apartments that have a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. It is transitional housing, and as such is a stepping stone, but it allows lots to be done in a small space.

    You have a tough sell in front of you. I hope it takes off.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The encouragement and Blessings are much appreciated RealMiks. ❤ ❤ Though I like to believe I have an EASY 'sell' because ALL our local businesses REALLY want to help their community . . . (that's my story and I'm sticking to it.) 😀

      I would love to see the floor plan of the 240 sq ft apts that you are building and they are not on the YFC site. I will email you.


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